To register a digital signature DSC in IREPS indian railway portal for civil contractor, follow these steps:
Get a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC): First things first, you need a valid Digital Signature Certificate. You can get this from an Indian Certifying Authority (CA) licensed to provide DSCs. Popular CAs include e-Mudhra, (n)Code Solutions, and SafeScrypt. Choose the one that suits you best.
Do your
IREPS DSC registration here to partificate in railway etender.
Install the DSC on your computer: Once you have your DSC, install it on your computer or laptop. The CA will provide you with software and instructions for this. Just follow the steps they give you to get it set up.
Create your Digital Signature Key Pair: After installing the DSC, it's time to create the key pair that goes with it. You'll use the software provided by the CA for this. Follow their instructions to create a private key (which stays on your computer) and a public key.
Register your Digital Signature on IREPS: Here's how to do it:
a. Visit the IREPS website: Open your web browser and go to
b. Log in to your IREPS account: Use your registered username and password to access your account. If you don't have one yet, you'll need to create it first.
c. Go to the Digital Signature Registration section: Once logged in, find the option for registering your digital signature.
d. Upload your digital signature file: Locate the .pfx or .p12 file on your computer that contains your digital signature key pair. Upload it to IREPS.
e. Complete the registration process: Follow the instructions on the website to finish registering your digital signature. You might need to enter your digital signature file's password and provide any other necessary details or documents.
f. Verify and confirm: After you've submitted your registration, IREPS will verify your digital signature and related information. If everything checks out, you'll receive confirmation that your registration was successful.
Remember that the registration process might change over time, so it's a good idea to stay updated. For the latest information, always refer to the official IREPS website or contact the relevant authorities.